What's $TENT ?
It's a charity token that's helping refugees and asylum seekers worldwide.Our goal is to build a token-based charity platform for the 82.4 Million refugees and asylum seekers while also allowing the community to recognise and reward outstanding activities.The world needs $TENT
The Tent City Foundation is developing a global humanitarian relief effort for thosepersons displaced by environmental disasters, or as refugees through conflict, or anyonewho may find themselves needing or using tent city accommodation.Despite many charity and care organizations, addressing this issue over the last decade,tent cities are an often overlooked, and undersupported area.1% of the world's populationis displaced at any given time and many have no alternative but to make use of tent cities.These are often disease-ridden, dangerous places where individual dignity is often lost.The $TENT token will allow you to help!Meet the founder
I’m a scientist who specializes in the microbiology of the built environment.
Several years ago I witnessed first-hand the impact that tent cities had
on the lives of asylum seekers.
I was part of a health team that did an investigation at Nauru.At that stage, the tiny island was being used by Australiaas a camp holding refugees.My report was the subject of a whistleblower campaign and wasmade public in 2018. It is because of what I saw that
I have started this charity coin.
"The reasons I have to do something more to help others"
Just one humanitarian crisis up close...
A series of recent reports by The Guardian have revealed refugees, asylum seekers and staff at the Nauru processing centre have been exposed to a mould problem of “epic proportions”. The fungal growth in housing and working areas has reportedly led to some staff describing ongoing health...Transfield Services was worried about asylum seekers potentially rioting as it looked to clean mould off the inside of tents at the Nauru detention centre, leaked emails show. The immigration department and then centre operator Transfield (now Broadspectrum) were warned about mould health risks...Dr Cameron Jones, who was contracted by Transfield, says his 225-page report on the problem was covered up. The microbiologist contracted to assess the mould in the Nauru immigration centre says the contamination was “of epic proportions” and presented a serious health hazard to those in the camp...Our First Interview at Cox's Bazar, July 2021
We had questions, we wanted answers....so we sent in one of our citizen journalists. Here's what he showed us...
You can expect more interviews, more real updates.
Help us do good with crypto. Your voice matters.
The inclusive attitude behind the tent City Foundation motivates us to attempt new things, talk transparently, and be courageous.
Second Interview at Cox's Bazar, July 2021
Real news, real experiences revealed. Follow our citizen journalists. Here's what we learnt...
The tokenomics of $TENT
are as follows:
A charity wallet has been set aside from the initial supply. We use an aggressive tax transaction distribution model, 10% allows you to earn rewards as you hodl. The original supply is 1,000,000,000,000,000. There is a 10% tax on transactions with 5% distributed to holders, and 5%, added to liquidity, and 3.5% will be used for the charity donations.
Original supply
1,000,000,000,000,000 TENT with 50,000,000,000,000
to be burnt after launch. Progressive periodic burns will maximize returns to holders.10% tax on transactions
5% Distributed to holders
5% Added to liquidityProfit from holding
We reward holders with a 5% transaction tax which puts $TENT directly into your wallet every time someone buys or sells.Charity wallet
Some of the initial supply has been reserved. 3.5% belongs to the charity wallet, which donates on a monthly basis. 12% is reserved for marketing and 5.5% for strategic partnerships and research in the refugees health, policy and law space. The dev wallet is 5% and and an additional 2% is reserved for other hires.- Each time a person buys or sells the liquidity pool changes.With a competitive marketing timeline, 3.5% from the token pool will be saved into the charity wallet.We're planning to donate monthly. Each time a person buys, 5% is divided amongst all the holders wallets and 5% is added back into liquidity thereby increasing the value of $TENT.
The roadmap for $TENT
The roadmap for $TENT: fighting against poverty and risk to refugees and asylum seekers following displacement.
Fighting against the reasons why people become refugees or asylum seekers, is obviously a never ending job, but we have strong plans to tackle many aspects of this problem using this token. Check out our roadmap, and see what we have planned to keep this community and charity, a healthy community with regular events and giveaways. Other ways you can become involved are on the way and will be shared on our socials.
🚀 🚀 🚀 $TENT Launch...starting SOON ✅
🤳 Influencer marketing ✅
😊 Pancake Swap logo
💰1st Donation details setup
🔥 🦄 🔥 Community contest on telegram, IG and TikTok ✅NOVEMBER, 2021
🦎 CoinGecko Listing
📈 CoinMarketCap Listing
👀 StockTwits Listing
💸 WhiteBit Listing
💰💰 Second Donation (Watch)
💫 Bilaxy Listing
👕 Merch live
👋 Community Livestreams
🌐 Website Improvements
🌟 Cameos + Influencer Marketing
💰💰💰 More Donations
🤝 Major Influencer Partnerships
🎥 $TENT Vlogs & Citizen Journalism
🛒 BitMart ListingDECEMBER, 2021
🙇 In-Person Donations / Events
🚀 🚀 🚀 More Coming SoonWhere we donate
every month?
The TENT team and the community will choose a new association or group, working in the asylum seeker and refugee charity space to donate to. This ensures that donations are evenly spread across key stakeholders and that we can truly have a worldwide impact. Donation events will be shared on Twitter and Telegram, and the community will consistently be involved in deciding which organizations are donated to in the future.
Obviously, the plight of asylum seekers from Nauru and Manus Island is important to me.
However and importantly, we have formed a strategic alliance with the Forgotten Refugees Nonprofit in Indonesia and are beginning to work on some ideas for giving.
- The $TENT team is on a mission to make the world's asylum seekers and refugees,a safer and healthier place and we're quickly building an amazing communityand having a lot of fun with this charity along the way.Join us.Buy $TENT here or join the Telegram.Tent City Foundation | hello@tentcityfoundation.com
Checkout our Socials
Liability Disclaimer :
Purchasing $TENT CITY TOKEN entails a number of risks concerning its valuation, safekeeping and continuous access to technical infrastructure (access to Internet, online exchange account, etc.). Users expressly acknowledge and represent that they fully understand that the token may experience volatility in pricing, liquidity, technical access, data breaches and will not seek to hold the issuer liable for any losses or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from, or in any way connected to, the purchase of $TENT CITY TOKEN. As such the issuer will not be held liable for any damages that may arise from any lawful actions it undertakes. The lawful actions will be determined based on the legislation in force of the jurisdiction of the issuers corporate registration.
TENTCITY © 2021. All Rights Reserved.